path: root/cmd/commands.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cmd/commands.go')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/cmd/commands.go b/cmd/commands.go
index 0885577..c64ab71 100644
--- a/cmd/commands.go
+++ b/cmd/commands.go
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ using 'caddy run' instead to keep it in the foreground.
CobraFunc: func(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringP("config", "c", "", "Configuration file")
cmd.Flags().StringP("adapter", "a", "", "Name of config adapter to apply")
- cmd.Flags().StringP("envfile", "", "", "Environment file to load")
+ cmd.Flags().StringSliceP("envfile", "", []string{}, "Environment file(s) to load")
cmd.Flags().BoolP("watch", "w", false, "Reload changed config file automatically")
cmd.Flags().StringP("pidfile", "", "", "Path of file to which to write process ID")
cmd.RunE = WrapCommandFuncForCobra(cmdStart)
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ option in a local development environment.
CobraFunc: func(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringP("config", "c", "", "Configuration file")
cmd.Flags().StringP("adapter", "a", "", "Name of config adapter to apply")
- cmd.Flags().StringP("envfile", "", "", "Environment file to load")
+ cmd.Flags().StringSliceP("envfile", "", []string{}, "Environment file(s) to load")
cmd.Flags().BoolP("environ", "e", false, "Print environment")
cmd.Flags().BoolP("resume", "r", false, "Use saved config, if any (and prefer over --config file)")
cmd.Flags().BoolP("watch", "w", false, "Watch config file for changes and reload it automatically")
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ the KEY=VALUE format will be loaded into the Caddy process.
CobraFunc: func(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringP("config", "c", "", "Input configuration file")
cmd.Flags().StringP("adapter", "a", "", "Name of config adapter")
- cmd.Flags().StringP("envfile", "", "", "Environment file to load")
+ cmd.Flags().StringSliceP("envfile", "", []string{}, "Environment file(s) to load")
cmd.RunE = WrapCommandFuncForCobra(cmdValidateConfig)
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ latest versions. EXPERIMENTAL: May be changed or removed.
Short: "Adds Caddy packages (EXPERIMENTAL)",
Long: `
Downloads an updated Caddy binary with the specified packages (module/plugin)
-added. Retains existing packages. Returns an error if the any of packages are
+added. Retains existing packages. Returns an error if the any of packages are
already included. EXPERIMENTAL: May be changed or removed.
CobraFunc: func(cmd *cobra.Command) {
@@ -417,8 +417,8 @@ already included. EXPERIMENTAL: May be changed or removed.
Usage: "<packages...>",
Short: "Removes Caddy packages (EXPERIMENTAL)",
Long: `
-Downloads an updated Caddy binaries without the specified packages (module/plugin).
-Returns an error if any of the packages are not included.
+Downloads an updated Caddy binaries without the specified packages (module/plugin).
+Returns an error if any of the packages are not included.
EXPERIMENTAL: May be changed or removed.
CobraFunc: func(cmd *cobra.Command) {
@@ -464,40 +464,40 @@ argument of --directory. If the directory does not exist, it will be created.
Use: "completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell]",
Short: "Generate completion script",
Long: fmt.Sprintf(`To load completions:
$ source <(%[1]s completion bash)
# To load completions for each session, execute once:
# Linux:
$ %[1]s completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/%[1]s
# macOS:
$ %[1]s completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/%[1]s
# If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment,
# you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once:
$ echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
# To load completions for each session, execute once:
$ %[1]s completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_%[1]s"
# You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
$ %[1]s completion fish | source
# To load completions for each session, execute once:
$ %[1]s completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/%[1]
PS> %[1]s completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
# To load completions for every new session, run:
PS> %[1]s completion powershell > %[1]s.ps1
# and source this file from your PowerShell profile.