1815old c++ ncurses demo 8 years
1815-ngnotcurses and zig demo 2 years
caddy-cgifork of caddy for nix to build it with the cgi plugin 6 months
cubezig and sdl demo 15 months
dbpython script to tell me when the next train is coming 3 years
dmenudynamic menu 2 years
dwmdynamic window manager 6 months
dwmstatusA simple dwm status application in C. 6 months
gemsbejeweled clone in bevy framework 3 months
genphotogan fun 3 years
generate_pricespulling info from alphavantage 3 years
lisp_peplaying with lisp 3 years
naturesreally old c++ and sdl evolution simulator 7 years
nilxdbootstrap lxd container to use nix 3 years
nixvimvim with many funny tricks 2 months
pax-romanaggez game demo 2 years
pinentry-dmenuA pinentry program with the charm of dmenu 6 months
raytracingzig raytracing in a weekend 3 months
rcconfig files, build scripts 6 months
recipescooking with tam 3 years
revision2020old luminance demo 4 years
romaold ncurses / rust demo 6 years
rsycleold rust tool for cli trashcan 5 years
spaceold rust space mmo for bots 4 years
spiderwebrust / sdl2 spiderweb, wasm demo 4 years
stsimple terminal 6 months
sysadminlxc fun 4 years
time_to_go8 hour timer 3 years
toms_archcustomized arch installer iso 13 months
wallpaperspretty images stolen from 10 months
zig_pefun with zig 3 years