path: root/caddyconfig/httpcaddyfile
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Diffstat (limited to 'caddyconfig/httpcaddyfile')
2 files changed, 221 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/caddyconfig/httpcaddyfile/tlsapp.go b/caddyconfig/httpcaddyfile/tlsapp.go
index e732957..0ac862e 100644
--- a/caddyconfig/httpcaddyfile/tlsapp.go
+++ b/caddyconfig/httpcaddyfile/tlsapp.go
@@ -76,30 +76,35 @@ func (st ServerType) buildTLSApp(
+ // a catch-all automation policy is used as a "default" for all subjects that
+ // don't have custom configuration explicitly associated with them; this
+ // is only to add if the global settings or defaults are non-empty
catchAllAP, err := newBaseAutomationPolicy(options, warnings, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, warnings, err
+ if catchAllAP != nil {
+ if tlsApp.Automation == nil {
+ tlsApp.Automation = new(caddytls.AutomationConfig)
+ }
+ tlsApp.Automation.Policies = append(tlsApp.Automation.Policies, catchAllAP)
+ }
for _, p := range pairings {
for _, sblock := range p.serverBlocks {
// get values that populate an automation policy for this block
- var ap *caddytls.AutomationPolicy
+ ap, err := newBaseAutomationPolicy(options, warnings, true)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, warnings, err
+ }
sblockHosts := sblock.hostsFromKeys(false)
- if len(sblockHosts) == 0 {
+ if len(sblockHosts) == 0 && catchAllAP != nil {
ap = catchAllAP
// on-demand tls
if _, ok := sblock.pile["tls.on_demand"]; ok {
- if ap == nil {
- var err error
- ap, err = newBaseAutomationPolicy(options, warnings, true)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, warnings, err
- }
- }
ap.OnDemand = true
@@ -107,13 +112,6 @@ func (st ServerType) buildTLSApp(
if issuerVals, ok := sblock.pile["tls.cert_issuer"]; ok {
for _, issuerVal := range issuerVals {
issuer := issuerVal.Value.(certmagic.Issuer)
- if ap == nil {
- var err error
- ap, err = newBaseAutomationPolicy(options, warnings, true)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, warnings, err
- }
- }
if ap == catchAllAP && !reflect.DeepEqual(ap.Issuer, issuer) {
return nil, warnings, fmt.Errorf("automation policy from site block is also default/catch-all policy because of key without hostname, and the two are in conflict: %#v != %#v", ap.Issuer, issuer)
@@ -123,15 +121,6 @@ func (st ServerType) buildTLSApp(
// custom bind host
for _, cfgVal := range sblock.pile["bind"] {
- // either an existing issuer is already configured (and thus, ap is not
- // nil), or we need to configure an issuer, so we need ap to be non-nil
- if ap == nil {
- ap, err = newBaseAutomationPolicy(options, warnings, true)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, warnings, err
- }
- }
// if an issuer was already configured and it is NOT an ACME
// issuer, skip, since we intend to adjust only ACME issuers
var acmeIssuer *caddytls.ACMEIssuer
@@ -164,87 +153,74 @@ func (st ServerType) buildTLSApp(
ap.Issuer = acmeIssuer // we'll encode it later
- if ap != nil {
- if ap.Issuer != nil {
- // encode issuer now that it's all set up
- issuerName := ap.Issuer.(caddy.Module).CaddyModule().ID.Name()
- ap.IssuerRaw = caddyconfig.JSONModuleObject(ap.Issuer, "module", issuerName, &warnings)
+ // first make sure this block is allowed to create an automation policy;
+ // doing so is forbidden if it has a key with no host (i.e. ":443")
+ // and if there is a different server block that also has a key with no
+ // host -- since a key with no host matches any host, we need its
+ // associated automation policy to have an empty Subjects list, i.e. no
+ // host filter, which is indistinguishable between the two server blocks
+ // because automation is not done in the context of a particular server...
+ // this is an example of a poor mapping from Caddyfile to JSON but that's
+ // the least-leaky abstraction I could figure out
+ if len(sblockHosts) == 0 {
+ if serverBlocksWithTLSHostlessKey > 1 {
+ // this server block and at least one other has a key with no host,
+ // making the two indistinguishable; it is misleading to define such
+ // a policy within one server block since it actually will apply to
+ // others as well
+ return nil, warnings, fmt.Errorf("cannot make a TLS automation policy from a server block that has a host-less address when there are other TLS-enabled server block addresses lacking a host")
- // first make sure this block is allowed to create an automation policy;
- // doing so is forbidden if it has a key with no host (i.e. ":443")
- // and if there is a different server block that also has a key with no
- // host -- since a key with no host matches any host, we need its
- // associated automation policy to have an empty Subjects list, i.e. no
- // host filter, which is indistinguishable between the two server blocks
- // because automation is not done in the context of a particular server...
- // this is an example of a poor mapping from Caddyfile to JSON but that's
- // the least-leaky abstraction I could figure out
- if len(sblockHosts) == 0 {
- if serverBlocksWithTLSHostlessKey > 1 {
- // this server block and at least one other has a key with no host,
- // making the two indistinguishable; it is misleading to define such
- // a policy within one server block since it actually will apply to
- // others as well
- return nil, warnings, fmt.Errorf("cannot make a TLS automation policy from a server block that has a host-less address when there are other TLS-enabled server block addresses lacking a host")
- }
- if catchAllAP == nil {
- // this server block has a key with no hosts, but there is not yet
- // a catch-all automation policy (probably because no global options
- // were set), so this one becomes it
- catchAllAP = ap
- }
+ if catchAllAP == nil {
+ // this server block has a key with no hosts, but there is not yet
+ // a catch-all automation policy (probably because no global options
+ // were set), so this one becomes it
+ catchAllAP = ap
+ }
- // associate our new automation policy with this server block's hosts,
- // unless, of course, the server block has a key with no hosts, in which
- // case its automation policy becomes or blends with the default/global
- // automation policy because, of necessity, it applies to all hostnames
- // (i.e. it has no Subjects filter) -- in that case, we'll append it last
- if ap != catchAllAP {
- ap.Subjects = sblockHosts
- // if a combination of public and internal names were given
- // for this same server block and no issuer was specified, we
- // need to separate them out in the automation policies so
- // that the internal names can use the internal issuer and
- // the other names can use the default/public/ACME issuer
- var ap2 *caddytls.AutomationPolicy
- if ap.Issuer == nil {
- var internal, external []string
- for _, s := range ap.Subjects {
- if !certmagic.SubjectQualifiesForCert(s) {
- return nil, warnings, fmt.Errorf("subject does not qualify for certificate: '%s'", s)
- }
- // we don't use certmagic.SubjectQualifiesForPublicCert() because of one nuance:
- // names like *.*.tld that may not qualify for a public certificate are actually
- // fine when used with OnDemand, since OnDemand (currently) does not obtain
- // wildcards (if it ever does, there will be a separate config option to enable
- // it that we would need to check here) since the hostname is known at handshake;
- // and it is unexpected to switch to internal issuer when the user wants to get
- // regular certificates on-demand for a class of certs like *.*.tld.
- if !certmagic.SubjectIsIP(s) && !certmagic.SubjectIsInternal(s) && (strings.Count(s, "*.") < 2 || ap.OnDemand) {
- external = append(external, s)
- } else {
- internal = append(internal, s)
- }
- }
- if len(external) > 0 && len(internal) > 0 {
- ap.Subjects = external
- apCopy := *ap
- ap2 = &apCopy
- ap2.Subjects = internal
- ap2.IssuerRaw = caddyconfig.JSONModuleObject(caddytls.InternalIssuer{}, "module", "internal", &warnings)
- }
+ // associate our new automation policy with this server block's hosts
+ ap.Subjects = sblockHosts
+ sort.Strings(ap.Subjects) // solely for deterministic test results
+ // if a combination of public and internal names were given
+ // for this same server block and no issuer was specified, we
+ // need to separate them out in the automation policies so
+ // that the internal names can use the internal issuer and
+ // the other names can use the default/public/ACME issuer
+ var ap2 *caddytls.AutomationPolicy
+ if ap.Issuer == nil {
+ var internal, external []string
+ for _, s := range ap.Subjects {
+ if !certmagic.SubjectQualifiesForCert(s) {
+ return nil, warnings, fmt.Errorf("subject does not qualify for certificate: '%s'", s)
- if tlsApp.Automation == nil {
- tlsApp.Automation = new(caddytls.AutomationConfig)
- }
- tlsApp.Automation.Policies = append(tlsApp.Automation.Policies, ap)
- if ap2 != nil {
- tlsApp.Automation.Policies = append(tlsApp.Automation.Policies, ap2)
+ // we don't use certmagic.SubjectQualifiesForPublicCert() because of one nuance:
+ // names like *.*.tld that may not qualify for a public certificate are actually
+ // fine when used with OnDemand, since OnDemand (currently) does not obtain
+ // wildcards (if it ever does, there will be a separate config option to enable
+ // it that we would need to check here) since the hostname is known at handshake;
+ // and it is unexpected to switch to internal issuer when the user wants to get
+ // regular certificates on-demand for a class of certs like *.*.tld.
+ if !certmagic.SubjectIsIP(s) && !certmagic.SubjectIsInternal(s) && (strings.Count(s, "*.") < 2 || ap.OnDemand) {
+ external = append(external, s)
+ } else {
+ internal = append(internal, s)
+ if len(external) > 0 && len(internal) > 0 {
+ ap.Subjects = external
+ apCopy := *ap
+ ap2 = &apCopy
+ ap2.Subjects = internal
+ ap2.IssuerRaw = caddyconfig.JSONModuleObject(caddytls.InternalIssuer{}, "module", "internal", &warnings)
+ }
+ }
+ if tlsApp.Automation == nil {
+ tlsApp.Automation = new(caddytls.AutomationConfig)
+ }
+ tlsApp.Automation.Policies = append(tlsApp.Automation.Policies, ap)
+ if ap2 != nil {
+ tlsApp.Automation.Policies = append(tlsApp.Automation.Policies, ap2)
// certificate loaders
@@ -319,23 +295,17 @@ func (st ServerType) buildTLSApp(
tlsApp.Automation.Policies = append(tlsApp.Automation.Policies, internalAP)
- // if there is a global/catch-all automation policy, ensure it goes last
- if catchAllAP != nil {
- // first, encode its issuer, if there is one
- if catchAllAP.Issuer != nil {
- issuerName := catchAllAP.Issuer.(caddy.Module).CaddyModule().ID.Name()
- catchAllAP.IssuerRaw = caddyconfig.JSONModuleObject(catchAllAP.Issuer, "module", issuerName, &warnings)
- }
- // then append it to the end of the policies list
- if tlsApp.Automation == nil {
- tlsApp.Automation = new(caddytls.AutomationConfig)
+ // finalize and verify policies; do cleanup
+ if tlsApp.Automation != nil {
+ // encode any issuer values we created, so they will be rendered in the output
+ for _, ap := range tlsApp.Automation.Policies {
+ if ap.Issuer != nil && ap.IssuerRaw == nil {
+ // encode issuer now that it's all set up
+ issuerName := ap.Issuer.(caddy.Module).CaddyModule().ID.Name()
+ ap.IssuerRaw = caddyconfig.JSONModuleObject(ap.Issuer, "module", issuerName, &warnings)
+ }
- tlsApp.Automation.Policies = append(tlsApp.Automation.Policies, catchAllAP)
- }
- // do a little verification & cleanup
- if tlsApp.Automation != nil {
// consolidate automation policies that are the exact same
tlsApp.Automation.Policies = consolidateAutomationPolicies(tlsApp.Automation.Policies)
@@ -351,6 +321,14 @@ func (st ServerType) buildTLSApp(
automationHostSet[s] = struct{}{}
+ // if nothing remains, remove any excess values to clean up the resulting config
+ if len(tlsApp.Automation.Policies) == 0 {
+ tlsApp.Automation.Policies = nil
+ }
+ if reflect.DeepEqual(tlsApp.Automation, new(caddytls.AutomationConfig)) {
+ tlsApp.Automation = nil
+ }
return tlsApp, warnings, nil
@@ -448,12 +426,30 @@ func disambiguateACMEIssuer(acmeIssuer *caddytls.ACMEIssuer) certmagic.Issuer {
// consolidateAutomationPolicies combines automation policies that are the same,
// for a cleaner overall output.
func consolidateAutomationPolicies(aps []*caddytls.AutomationPolicy) []*caddytls.AutomationPolicy {
+ // sort from most specific to least specific; we depend on this ordering
+ sort.SliceStable(aps, func(i, j int) bool {
+ if automationPolicyIsSubset(aps[i], aps[j]) {
+ return true
+ }
+ if automationPolicyIsSubset(aps[j], aps[i]) {
+ return false
+ }
+ return len(aps[i].Subjects) > len(aps[j].Subjects)
+ })
+ // remove any empty policies (except subjects, of course)
+ emptyAP := new(caddytls.AutomationPolicy)
for i := 0; i < len(aps); i++ {
- for j := 0; j < len(aps); j++ {
- if j == i {
- continue
- }
+ emptyAP.Subjects = aps[i].Subjects
+ if reflect.DeepEqual(aps[i], emptyAP) {
+ aps = append(aps[:i], aps[i+1:]...)
+ i--
+ }
+ }
+ // remove or combine duplicate policies
+ for i := 0; i < len(aps); i++ {
+ for j := i + 1; j < len(aps); j++ {
// if they're exactly equal in every way, just keep one of them
if reflect.DeepEqual(aps[i], aps[j]) {
aps = append(aps[:j], aps[j+1:]...)
@@ -473,10 +469,17 @@ func consolidateAutomationPolicies(aps []*caddytls.AutomationPolicy) []*caddytls
aps[i].KeyType == aps[j].KeyType &&
aps[i].OnDemand == aps[j].OnDemand &&
aps[i].RenewalWindowRatio == aps[j].RenewalWindowRatio {
- if len(aps[i].Subjects) == 0 && len(aps[j].Subjects) > 0 {
- aps = append(aps[:j], aps[j+1:]...)
- } else if len(aps[i].Subjects) > 0 && len(aps[j].Subjects) == 0 {
- aps = append(aps[:i], aps[i+1:]...)
+ if len(aps[i].Subjects) > 0 && len(aps[j].Subjects) == 0 {
+ // later policy (at j) has no subjects ("catch-all"), so we can
+ // remove the identical-but-more-specific policy that comes first
+ // AS LONG AS it is not shadowed by another policy before it; e.g.
+ // if policy i is for, policy i+1 is '*.com', and policy
+ // j is catch-all, we cannot remove policy i because that would
+ // cause to be served by the less specific policy for
+ // '*.com', which might be different (yes we've seen this happen)
+ if automationPolicyShadows(i, aps) >= j {
+ aps = append(aps[:i], aps[i+1:]...)
+ }
} else {
// avoid repeated subjects
for _, subj := range aps[j].Subjects {
@@ -486,16 +489,48 @@ func consolidateAutomationPolicies(aps []*caddytls.AutomationPolicy) []*caddytls
aps = append(aps[:j], aps[j+1:]...)
- i--
- break
- // ensure any catch-all policies go last
- sort.SliceStable(aps, func(i, j int) bool {
- return len(aps[i].Subjects) > len(aps[j].Subjects)
- })
return aps
+// automationPolicyIsSubset returns true if a's subjects are a subset
+// of b's subjects.
+func automationPolicyIsSubset(a, b *caddytls.AutomationPolicy) bool {
+ if len(b.Subjects) == 0 {
+ return true
+ }
+ if len(a.Subjects) == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ for _, aSubj := range a.Subjects {
+ var inSuperset bool
+ for _, bSubj := range b.Subjects {
+ if certmagic.MatchWildcard(aSubj, bSubj) {
+ inSuperset = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !inSuperset {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// automationPolicyShadows returns the index of a policy that aps[i] shadows;
+// in other words, for all policies after position i, if that policy covers
+// the same subjects but is less specific, that policy's position is returned,
+// or -1 if no shadowing is found. For example, if policy i is for
+// "" and policy i+2 is for "*", then i+2 will be
+// returned, since that policy is shadowed by i, which is in front.
+func automationPolicyShadows(i int, aps []*caddytls.AutomationPolicy) int {
+ for j := i + 1; j < len(aps); j++ {
+ if automationPolicyIsSubset(aps[i], aps[j]) {
+ return j
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
diff --git a/caddyconfig/httpcaddyfile/tlsapp_test.go b/caddyconfig/httpcaddyfile/tlsapp_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1925e02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/caddyconfig/httpcaddyfile/tlsapp_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+package httpcaddyfile
+import (
+ "testing"
+ ""
+func TestAutomationPolicyIsSubset(t *testing.T) {
+ for i, test := range []struct {
+ a, b []string
+ expect bool
+ }{
+ {
+ a: []string{""},
+ b: []string{},
+ expect: true,
+ },
+ {
+ a: []string{},
+ b: []string{""},
+ expect: false,
+ },
+ {
+ a: []string{""},
+ b: []string{"*"},
+ expect: true,
+ },
+ {
+ a: []string{""},
+ b: []string{""},
+ expect: true,
+ },
+ {
+ a: []string{""},
+ b: []string{""},
+ expect: false,
+ },
+ {
+ a: []string{"", ""},
+ b: []string{"*.com", "*.*.com"},
+ expect: true,
+ },
+ {
+ a: []string{"", ""},
+ b: []string{"*.com"},
+ expect: false,
+ },
+ } {
+ apA := &caddytls.AutomationPolicy{Subjects: test.a}
+ apB := &caddytls.AutomationPolicy{Subjects: test.b}
+ if actual := automationPolicyIsSubset(apA, apB); actual != test.expect {
+ t.Errorf("Test %d: Expected %t but got %t (A: %v B: %v)", i, test.expect, actual, test.a, test.b)
+ }
+ }