BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterget working properly again, without firstboot issueTom Barrett23 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-03-25get working properly again, without firstboot issueHEADmasterTom Barrett
2023-01-22uuid didn't come up in chroot, fix vars from -e, new mkinitcpio hooksTom Barrett
2023-01-222023 updateTom Barrett
2022-02-10moreTom Barrett
2022-02-06add htopTom Barrett
2022-01-26more packages and ease of useTom Barrett
2021-09-15having networkmanager is usefulTom Barrett
2021-07-21now with encryptionTom Barrett
2021-04-29little bugsTom Barrett
2021-04-29need a second script for after the chroot, also added grub setupTom Barrett