path: root/modules/caddyhttp
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1 files changed, 129 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/autohttps.go b/modules/caddyhttp/autohttps.go
index 751c6df..7dab359 100644
--- a/modules/caddyhttp/autohttps.go
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/autohttps.go
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
- "strings"
@@ -62,12 +61,14 @@ func (ahc AutoHTTPSConfig) Skipped(name string, skipSlice []string) bool {
// even servers to the app, which still need to be set up with the
// rest of them during provisioning.
func (app *App) automaticHTTPSPhase1(ctx caddy.Context, repl *caddy.Replacer) error {
- // this map will store associations of HTTP listener
- // addresses to the routes that do HTTP->HTTPS redirects
- lnAddrRedirRoutes := make(map[string]Route)
+ // this map acts as a set to store the domain names
+ // for which we will manage certificates automatically
uniqueDomainsForCerts := make(map[string]struct{})
+ // this maps domain names for automatic HTTP->HTTPS
+ // redirects to their destination server address
+ redirDomains := make(map[string]caddy.ParsedAddress)
for srvName, srv := range app.Servers {
// as a prerequisite, provision route matchers; this is
// required for all routes on all servers, and must be
@@ -180,50 +181,20 @@ func (app *App) automaticHTTPSPhase1(ctx caddy.Context, repl *caddy.Replacer) er
// create HTTP->HTTPS redirects
for _, addr := range srv.Listen {
- netw, host, port, err := caddy.SplitNetworkAddress(addr)
+ // figure out the address we will redirect to...
+ addr, err := caddy.ParseNetworkAddress(addr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: invalid listener address: %v", srvName, addr)
- if parts := strings.SplitN(port, "-", 2); len(parts) == 2 {
- port = parts[0]
- }
- redirTo := "https://{}"
- if port != strconv.Itoa(app.httpsPort()) {
- redirTo += ":" + port
- }
- redirTo += "{http.request.uri}"
- // build the plaintext HTTP variant of this address
- httpRedirLnAddr := caddy.JoinNetworkAddress(netw, host, strconv.Itoa(app.httpPort()))
- // build the matcher set for this redirect route
- // (note that we happen to bypass Provision and
- // Validate steps for these matcher modules)
- matcherSet := MatcherSet{MatchProtocol("http")}
- if len(srv.AutoHTTPS.Skip) > 0 {
- matcherSet = append(matcherSet, MatchNegate{
- Matchers: MatcherSet{MatchHost(srv.AutoHTTPS.Skip)},
- })
- }
- // create the route that does the redirect and associate
- // it with the listener address it will be served from
- // (note that we happen to bypass any Provision or Validate
- // steps on the handler modules created here)
- lnAddrRedirRoutes[httpRedirLnAddr] = Route{
- MatcherSets: []MatcherSet{matcherSet},
- Handlers: []MiddlewareHandler{
- StaticResponse{
- StatusCode: WeakString(strconv.Itoa(http.StatusPermanentRedirect)),
- Headers: http.Header{
- "Location": []string{redirTo},
- "Connection": []string{"close"},
- },
- Close: true,
- },
- },
+ // ...and associate it with each domain in this server
+ for d := range serverDomainSet {
+ // if this domain is used on more than one HTTPS-enabled
+ // port, we'll have to choose one, so prefer the HTTPS port
+ if _, ok := redirDomains[d]; !ok ||
+ addr.StartPort == uint(app.httpsPort()) {
+ redirDomains[d] = addr
+ }
@@ -241,49 +212,142 @@ func (app *App) automaticHTTPSPhase1(ctx caddy.Context, repl *caddy.Replacer) er
return err
- // if there are HTTP->HTTPS redirects to add, do so now
- if len(lnAddrRedirRoutes) == 0 {
+ // we're done if there are no HTTP->HTTPS redirects to add
+ if len(redirDomains) == 0 {
return nil
- var redirServerAddrs []string
+ // we need to reduce the mapping, i.e. group domains by address
+ // since new routes are appended to servers by their address
+ domainsByAddr := make(map[string][]string)
+ for domain, addr := range redirDomains {
+ addrStr := addr.String()
+ domainsByAddr[addrStr] = append(domainsByAddr[addrStr], domain)
+ }
+ // these keep track of the redirect server address(es)
+ // and the routes for those servers which actually
+ // respond with the redirects
+ redirServerAddrs := make(map[string]struct{})
var redirRoutes RouteList
- // for each redirect listener, see if there's already a
- // server configured to listen on that exact address; if so,
- // simply add the redirect route to the end of its route
- // list; otherwise, we'll create a new server for all the
- // listener addresses that are unused and serve the
- // remaining redirects from it
- for addr, redirRoute := range lnAddrRedirRoutes {
+ redirServers := make(map[string][]Route)
+ for addrStr, domains := range domainsByAddr {
+ // build the matcher set for this redirect route
+ // (note that we happen to bypass Provision and
+ // Validate steps for these matcher modules)
+ matcherSet := MatcherSet{
+ MatchProtocol("http"),
+ MatchHost(domains),
+ }
+ // build the address to which to redirect
+ addr, err := caddy.ParseNetworkAddress(addrStr)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ redirTo := "https://{}"
+ if addr.StartPort != DefaultHTTPSPort {
+ redirTo += ":" + strconv.Itoa(int(addr.StartPort))
+ }
+ redirTo += "{http.request.uri}"
+ // build the route
+ redirRoute := Route{
+ MatcherSets: []MatcherSet{matcherSet},
+ Handlers: []MiddlewareHandler{
+ StaticResponse{
+ StatusCode: WeakString(strconv.Itoa(http.StatusPermanentRedirect)),
+ Headers: http.Header{
+ "Location": []string{redirTo},
+ "Connection": []string{"close"},
+ },
+ Close: true,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ // use the network/host information from the address,
+ // but change the port to the HTTP port then rebuild
+ redirAddr := addr
+ redirAddr.StartPort = uint(app.httpPort())
+ redirAddr.EndPort = redirAddr.StartPort
+ redirAddrStr := redirAddr.String()
+ redirServers[redirAddrStr] = append(redirServers[redirAddrStr], redirRoute)
+ }
+ // on-demand TLS means that hostnames may be used which are not
+ // explicitly defined in the config, and we still need to redirect
+ // those; so we can append a single catch-all route (notice there
+ // is no Host matcher) after the other redirect routes which will
+ // allow us to handle unexpected/new hostnames... however, it's
+ // not entirely clear what the redirect destination should be,
+ // so I'm going to just hard-code the app's HTTPS port and call
+ // it good for now...
+ appendCatchAll := func(routes []Route) []Route {
+ redirTo := "https://{}"
+ if app.httpsPort() != DefaultHTTPSPort {
+ redirTo += ":" + strconv.Itoa(app.httpsPort())
+ }
+ redirTo += "{http.request.uri}"
+ routes = append(routes, Route{
+ MatcherSets: []MatcherSet{MatcherSet{MatchProtocol("http")}},
+ Handlers: []MiddlewareHandler{
+ StaticResponse{
+ StatusCode: WeakString(strconv.Itoa(http.StatusPermanentRedirect)),
+ Headers: http.Header{
+ "Location": []string{redirTo},
+ "Connection": []string{"close"},
+ },
+ Close: true,
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ return routes
+ }
+ for redirServerAddr, routes := range redirServers {
+ // for each redirect listener, see if there's already a
+ // server configured to listen on that exact address; if so,
+ // simply add the redirect route to the end of its route
+ // list; otherwise, we'll create a new server for all the
+ // listener addresses that are unused and serve the
+ // remaining redirects from it
for srvName, srv := range app.Servers {
- if srv.hasListenerAddress(addr) {
+ if srv.hasListenerAddress(redirServerAddr) {
// user has configured a server for the same address
// that the redirect runs from; simply append our
// redirect route to the existing routes, with a
// caveat that their config might override ours
- app.logger.Warn("server is listening on same interface as redirects, so automatic HTTP->HTTPS redirects might be overridden by your own configuration",
+ app.logger.Warn("user server is listening on same interface as automatic HTTP->HTTPS redirects; user-configured routes might override these redirects",
zap.String("server_name", srvName),
- zap.String("interface", addr),
+ zap.String("interface", redirServerAddr),
- srv.Routes = append(srv.Routes, redirRoute)
- continue redirRoutesLoop
+ srv.Routes = append(srv.Routes, appendCatchAll(routes)...)
+ continue redirServersLoop
// no server with this listener address exists;
// save this address and route for custom server
- redirServerAddrs = append(redirServerAddrs, addr)
- redirRoutes = append(redirRoutes, redirRoute)
+ redirServerAddrs[redirServerAddr] = struct{}{}
+ redirRoutes = append(redirRoutes, routes...)
// if there are routes remaining which do not belong
// in any existing server, make our own to serve the
// rest of the redirects
if len(redirServerAddrs) > 0 {
+ redirServerAddrsList := make([]string, 0, len(redirServerAddrs))
+ for a := range redirServerAddrs {
+ redirServerAddrsList = append(redirServerAddrsList, a)
+ }
app.Servers["remaining_auto_https_redirects"] = &Server{
- Listen: redirServerAddrs,
- Routes: redirRoutes,
+ Listen: redirServerAddrsList,
+ Routes: appendCatchAll(redirRoutes),