path: root/modules/caddyhttp
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/caddyhttp')
13 files changed, 505 insertions, 347 deletions
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/autohttps.go b/modules/caddyhttp/autohttps.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69e3318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/autohttps.go
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+package caddyhttp
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "net/http"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// AutoHTTPSConfig is used to disable automatic HTTPS
+// or certain aspects of it for a specific server.
+// HTTPS is enabled automatically and by default when
+// qualifying hostnames are available from the config.
+type AutoHTTPSConfig struct {
+ // If true, automatic HTTPS will be entirely disabled.
+ Disabled bool `json:"disable,omitempty"`
+ // If true, only automatic HTTP->HTTPS redirects will
+ // be disabled.
+ DisableRedir bool `json:"disable_redirects,omitempty"`
+ // Hosts/domain names listed here will not be included
+ // in automatic HTTPS (they will not have certificates
+ // loaded nor redirects applied).
+ Skip []string `json:"skip,omitempty"`
+ // Hosts/domain names listed here will still be enabled
+ // for automatic HTTPS (unless in the Skip list), except
+ // that certificates will not be provisioned and managed
+ // for these names.
+ SkipCerts []string `json:"skip_certificates,omitempty"`
+ // By default, automatic HTTPS will obtain and renew
+ // certificates for qualifying hostnames. However, if
+ // a certificate with a matching SAN is already loaded
+ // into the cache, certificate management will not be
+ // enabled. To force automated certificate management
+ // regardless of loaded certificates, set this to true.
+ IgnoreLoadedCerts bool `json:"ignore_loaded_certificates,omitempty"`
+ domainSet map[string]struct{}
+// Skipped returns true if name is in skipSlice, which
+// should be one of the Skip* fields on ahc.
+func (ahc AutoHTTPSConfig) Skipped(name string, skipSlice []string) bool {
+ for _, n := range skipSlice {
+ if name == n {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+// automaticHTTPSPhase1 provisions all route matchers, determines
+// which domain names found in the routes qualify for automatic
+// HTTPS, and sets up HTTP->HTTPS redirects. This phase must occur
+// at the beginning of provisioning, because it may add routes and
+// even servers to the app, which still need to be set up with the
+// rest of them.
+func (app *App) automaticHTTPSPhase1(ctx caddy.Context, repl *caddy.Replacer) error {
+ // this map will store associations of HTTP listener
+ // addresses to the routes that do HTTP->HTTPS redirects
+ lnAddrRedirRoutes := make(map[string]Route)
+ for srvName, srv := range app.Servers {
+ // as a prerequisite, provision route matchers; this is
+ // required for all routes on all servers, and must be
+ // done before we attempt to do phase 1 of auto HTTPS,
+ // since we have to access the decoded host matchers the
+ // handlers will be provisioned later
+ if srv.Routes != nil {
+ err := srv.Routes.ProvisionMatchers(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("server %s: setting up route matchers: %v", srvName, err)
+ }
+ }
+ // prepare for automatic HTTPS
+ if srv.AutoHTTPS == nil {
+ srv.AutoHTTPS = new(AutoHTTPSConfig)
+ }
+ if srv.AutoHTTPS.Disabled {
+ continue
+ }
+ // skip if all listeners use the HTTP port
+ if !srv.listenersUseAnyPortOtherThan(app.httpPort()) {
+ app.logger.Info("server is listening only on the HTTP port, so no automatic HTTPS will be applied to this server",
+ zap.String("server_name", srvName),
+ zap.Int("http_port", app.httpPort()),
+ )
+ srv.AutoHTTPS.Disabled = true
+ continue
+ }
+ defaultConnPolicies := caddytls.ConnectionPolicies{
+ &caddytls.ConnectionPolicy{ALPN: defaultALPN},
+ }
+ // if all listeners are on the HTTPS port, make sure
+ // there is at least one TLS connection policy; it
+ // should be obvious that they want to use TLS without
+ // needing to specify one empty policy to enable it
+ if srv.TLSConnPolicies == nil &&
+ !srv.listenersUseAnyPortOtherThan(app.httpsPort()) {
+ app.logger.Info("server is listening only on the HTTPS port but has no TLS connection policies; adding one to enable TLS",
+ zap.String("server_name", srvName),
+ zap.Int("https_port", app.httpsPort()),
+ )
+ srv.TLSConnPolicies = defaultConnPolicies
+ }
+ // find all qualifying domain names in this server
+ srv.AutoHTTPS.domainSet = make(map[string]struct{})
+ for routeIdx, route := range srv.Routes {
+ for matcherSetIdx, matcherSet := range route.MatcherSets {
+ for matcherIdx, m := range matcherSet {
+ if hm, ok := m.(*MatchHost); ok {
+ for hostMatcherIdx, d := range *hm {
+ var err error
+ d, err = repl.ReplaceOrErr(d, true, false)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%s: route %d, matcher set %d, matcher %d, host matcher %d: %v",
+ srvName, routeIdx, matcherSetIdx, matcherIdx, hostMatcherIdx, err)
+ }
+ if certmagic.HostQualifies(d) &&
+ !srv.AutoHTTPS.Skipped(d, srv.AutoHTTPS.Skip) {
+ srv.AutoHTTPS.domainSet[d] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // nothing more to do here if there are no
+ // domains that qualify for automatic HTTPS
+ if len(srv.AutoHTTPS.domainSet) == 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ // tell the server to use TLS if it is not already doing so
+ if srv.TLSConnPolicies == nil {
+ srv.TLSConnPolicies = defaultConnPolicies
+ }
+ // nothing left to do if auto redirects are disabled
+ if srv.AutoHTTPS.DisableRedir {
+ continue
+ }
+ app.logger.Info("enabling automatic HTTP->HTTPS redirects",
+ zap.String("server_name", srvName),
+ )
+ // create HTTP->HTTPS redirects
+ for _, addr := range srv.Listen {
+ netw, host, port, err := caddy.SplitNetworkAddress(addr)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%s: invalid listener address: %v", srvName, addr)
+ }
+ if parts := strings.SplitN(port, "-", 2); len(parts) == 2 {
+ port = parts[0]
+ }
+ redirTo := "https://{}"
+ if port != strconv.Itoa(app.httpsPort()) {
+ redirTo += ":" + port
+ }
+ redirTo += "{http.request.uri}"
+ // build the plaintext HTTP variant of this address
+ httpRedirLnAddr := caddy.JoinNetworkAddress(netw, host, strconv.Itoa(app.httpPort()))
+ // build the matcher set for this redirect route
+ // (note that we happen to bypass Provision and
+ // Validate steps for these matcher modules)
+ matcherSet := MatcherSet{MatchProtocol("http")}
+ if len(srv.AutoHTTPS.Skip) > 0 {
+ matcherSet = append(matcherSet, MatchNegate{
+ Matchers: MatcherSet{MatchHost(srv.AutoHTTPS.Skip)},
+ })
+ }
+ // create the route that does the redirect and associate
+ // it with the listener address it will be served from
+ // (note that we happen to bypass any Provision or Validate
+ // steps on the handler modules created here)
+ lnAddrRedirRoutes[httpRedirLnAddr] = Route{
+ MatcherSets: []MatcherSet{matcherSet},
+ Handlers: []MiddlewareHandler{
+ StaticResponse{
+ StatusCode: WeakString(strconv.Itoa(http.StatusPermanentRedirect)),
+ Headers: http.Header{
+ "Location": []string{redirTo},
+ "Connection": []string{"close"},
+ },
+ Close: true,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if there are HTTP->HTTPS redirects to add, do so now
+ if len(lnAddrRedirRoutes) == 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ var redirServerAddrs []string
+ var redirRoutes RouteList
+ // for each redirect listener, see if there's already a
+ // server configured to listen on that exact address; if so,
+ // simply add the redirect route to the end of its route
+ // list; otherwise, we'll create a new server for all the
+ // listener addresses that are unused and serve the
+ // remaining redirects from it
+ for addr, redirRoute := range lnAddrRedirRoutes {
+ for srvName, srv := range app.Servers {
+ if srv.hasListenerAddress(addr) {
+ // user has configured a server for the same address
+ // that the redirect runs from; simply append our
+ // redirect route to the existing routes, with a
+ // caveat that their config might override ours
+ app.logger.Warn("server is listening on same interface as redirects, so automatic HTTP->HTTPS redirects might be overridden by your own configuration",
+ zap.String("server_name", srvName),
+ zap.String("interface", addr),
+ )
+ srv.Routes = append(srv.Routes, redirRoute)
+ continue redirRoutesLoop
+ }
+ }
+ // no server with this listener address exists;
+ // save this address and route for custom server
+ redirServerAddrs = append(redirServerAddrs, addr)
+ redirRoutes = append(redirRoutes, redirRoute)
+ }
+ // if there are routes remaining which do not belong
+ // in any existing server, make our own to serve the
+ // rest of the redirects
+ if len(redirServerAddrs) > 0 {
+ app.Servers["remaining_auto_https_redirects"] = &Server{
+ Listen: redirServerAddrs,
+ Routes: redirRoutes,
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// automaticHTTPSPhase2 attaches a TLS app pointer to each
+// server and begins certificate management for all names
+// in the qualifying domain set for each server. This phase
+// must occur after provisioning, and at the beginning of
+// the app start, before starting each of the servers.
+func (app *App) automaticHTTPSPhase2() error {
+ tlsAppIface, err := app.ctx.App("tls")
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("getting tls app: %v", err)
+ }
+ tlsApp := tlsAppIface.(*caddytls.TLS)
+ // set the tlsApp pointer before starting any
+ // challenges, since it is required to solve
+ // the ACME HTTP challenge
+ for _, srv := range app.Servers {
+ srv.tlsApp = tlsApp
+ }
+ // begin managing certificates for enabled servers
+ for srvName, srv := range app.Servers {
+ if srv.AutoHTTPS == nil ||
+ srv.AutoHTTPS.Disabled ||
+ len(srv.AutoHTTPS.domainSet) == 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ // marshal the domains into a slice
+ var domains, domainsForCerts []string
+ for d := range srv.AutoHTTPS.domainSet {
+ domains = append(domains, d)
+ if !srv.AutoHTTPS.Skipped(d, srv.AutoHTTPS.SkipCerts) {
+ // if a certificate for this name is already loaded,
+ // don't obtain another one for it, unless we are
+ // supposed to ignore loaded certificates
+ if !srv.AutoHTTPS.IgnoreLoadedCerts &&
+ len(tlsApp.AllMatchingCertificates(d)) > 0 {
+ app.logger.Info("skipping automatic certificate management because one or more matching certificates are already loaded",
+ zap.String("domain", d),
+ zap.String("server_name", srvName),
+ )
+ continue
+ }
+ domainsForCerts = append(domainsForCerts, d)
+ }
+ }
+ // ensure that these certificates are managed properly;
+ // for example, it's implied that the HTTPPort should also
+ // be the port the HTTP challenge is solved on, and so
+ // for HTTPS port and TLS-ALPN challenge also - we need
+ // to tell the TLS app to manage these certs by honoring
+ // those port configurations
+ acmeManager := &caddytls.ACMEManagerMaker{
+ Challenges: &caddytls.ChallengesConfig{
+ HTTP: &caddytls.HTTPChallengeConfig{
+ AlternatePort: app.HTTPPort, // we specifically want the user-configured port, if any
+ },
+ TLSALPN: &caddytls.TLSALPNChallengeConfig{
+ AlternatePort: app.HTTPSPort, // we specifically want the user-configured port, if any
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ if tlsApp.Automation == nil {
+ tlsApp.Automation = new(caddytls.AutomationConfig)
+ }
+ tlsApp.Automation.Policies = append(tlsApp.Automation.Policies,
+ caddytls.AutomationPolicy{
+ Hosts: domainsForCerts,
+ Management: acmeManager,
+ })
+ // manage their certificates
+ app.logger.Info("enabling automatic TLS certificate management",
+ zap.Strings("domains", domainsForCerts),
+ )
+ err := tlsApp.Manage(domainsForCerts)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("%s: managing certificate for %s: %s", srvName, domains, err)
+ }
+ // no longer needed; allow GC to deallocate
+ srv.AutoHTTPS.domainSet = nil
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/caddyhttp.go b/modules/caddyhttp/caddyhttp.go
index 73c4863..37f9670 100644
--- a/modules/caddyhttp/caddyhttp.go
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/caddyhttp.go
@@ -25,13 +25,10 @@ import (
- "strings"
- ""
- ""
@@ -52,7 +49,7 @@ func init() {
// only on the HTTPS port but which do not have any TLS connection policies
// defined by adding a good, default TLS connection policy.
-// In HTTP routes, additional placeholders are available:
+// In HTTP routes, additional placeholders are available (replace any `*`):
// Placeholder | Description
// ------------|---------------
@@ -127,6 +124,14 @@ func (app *App) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
repl := caddy.NewReplacer()
+ // this provisions the matchers for each route,
+ // and prepares auto HTTP->HTTP redirects, and
+ // is required before we provision each server
+ err := app.automaticHTTPSPhase1(ctx, repl)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
for srvName, srv := range app.Servers {
srv.logger = app.logger.Named("log")
srv.errorLogger = app.logger.Named("log.error")
@@ -136,11 +141,6 @@ func (app *App) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
srv.accessLogger = app.logger.Named("log.access")
- if srv.AutoHTTPS == nil {
- // avoid nil pointer dereferences
- srv.AutoHTTPS = new(AutoHTTPSConfig)
- }
// if not explicitly configured by the user, disallow TLS
// client auth bypass (domain fronting) which could
// otherwise be exploited by sending an unprotected SNI
@@ -151,6 +151,9 @@ func (app *App) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
// domain fronting is desired and access is not restricted
// based on hostname
if srv.StrictSNIHost == nil && srv.hasTLSClientAuth() {
+ app.logger.Info("enabling strict SNI-Host matching because TLS client auth is configured",
+ zap.String("server_name", srvName),
+ )
trueBool := true
srv.StrictSNIHost = &trueBool
@@ -164,18 +167,19 @@ func (app *App) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
srv.Listen[i] = lnOut
+ // pre-compile the primary handler chain, and be sure to wrap it in our
+ // route handler so that important security checks are done, etc.
primaryRoute := emptyHandler
if srv.Routes != nil {
- err := srv.Routes.Provision(ctx)
+ err := srv.Routes.ProvisionHandlers(ctx)
if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("server %s: setting up server routes: %v", srvName, err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("server %s: setting up route handlers: %v", srvName, err)
- // pre-compile the handler chain, and be sure to wrap it in our
- // route handler so that important security checks are done, etc.
primaryRoute = srv.Routes.Compile(emptyHandler)
srv.primaryHandlerChain = srv.wrapPrimaryRoute(primaryRoute)
+ // pre-compile the error handler chain
if srv.Errors != nil {
err := srv.Errors.Routes.Provision(ctx)
if err != nil {
@@ -213,9 +217,12 @@ func (app *App) Validate() error {
return nil
-// Start runs the app. It sets up automatic HTTPS if enabled.
+// Start runs the app. It finishes automatic HTTPS if enabled,
+// including management of certificates.
func (app *App) Start() error {
- err := app.automaticHTTPS()
+ // finish setting up automatic HTTPS and manage certs;
+ // this must happen before each server is started
+ err := app.automaticHTTPSPhase2()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("enabling automatic HTTPS: %v", err)
@@ -235,8 +242,8 @@ func (app *App) Start() error {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: parsing listen address '%s': %v", srvName, lnAddr, err)
- for i := uint(0); i < listenAddr.PortRangeSize(); i++ {
- hostport := listenAddr.JoinHostPort(i)
+ for portOffset := uint(0); portOffset < listenAddr.PortRangeSize(); portOffset++ {
+ hostport := listenAddr.JoinHostPort(portOffset)
ln, err := caddy.Listen(listenAddr.Network, hostport)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: listening on %s: %v", listenAddr.Network, hostport, err)
@@ -249,8 +256,10 @@ func (app *App) Start() error {
- // enable TLS
- if len(srv.TLSConnPolicies) > 0 && int(i) != app.httpPort() {
+ // enable TLS if there is a policy and if this is not the HTTP port
+ if len(srv.TLSConnPolicies) > 0 &&
+ int(listenAddr.StartPort+portOffset) != app.httpPort() {
+ // create TLS listener
tlsCfg, err := srv.TLSConnPolicies.TLSConfig(app.ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s/%s: making TLS configuration: %v", listenAddr.Network, hostport, err)
@@ -330,230 +339,6 @@ func (app *App) Stop() error {
return nil
-func (app *App) automaticHTTPS() error {
- tlsAppIface, err := app.ctx.App("tls")
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("getting tls app: %v", err)
- }
- tlsApp := tlsAppIface.(*caddytls.TLS)
- // this map will store associations of HTTP listener
- // addresses to the routes that do HTTP->HTTPS redirects
- lnAddrRedirRoutes := make(map[string]Route)
- repl := caddy.NewReplacer()
- for srvName, srv := range app.Servers {
- srv.tlsApp = tlsApp
- if srv.AutoHTTPS.Disabled {
- continue
- }
- // skip if all listeners use the HTTP port
- if !srv.listenersUseAnyPortOtherThan(app.httpPort()) {
- app.logger.Info("server is only listening on the HTTP port, so no automatic HTTPS will be applied to this server",
- zap.String("server_name", srvName),
- zap.Int("http_port", app.httpPort()),
- )
- continue
- }
- // if all listeners are on the HTTPS port, make sure
- // there is at least one TLS connection policy; it
- // should be obvious that they want to use TLS without
- // needing to specify one empty policy to enable it
- if !srv.listenersUseAnyPortOtherThan(app.httpsPort()) && len(srv.TLSConnPolicies) == 0 {
- app.logger.Info("server is only listening on the HTTPS port but has no TLS connection policies; adding one to enable TLS",
- zap.String("server_name", srvName),
- zap.Int("https_port", app.httpsPort()),
- )
- srv.TLSConnPolicies = append(srv.TLSConnPolicies, new(caddytls.ConnectionPolicy))
- }
- // find all qualifying domain names, de-duplicated
- domainSet := make(map[string]struct{})
- for routeIdx, route := range srv.Routes {
- for matcherSetIdx, matcherSet := range route.MatcherSets {
- for matcherIdx, m := range matcherSet {
- if hm, ok := m.(*MatchHost); ok {
- for hostMatcherIdx, d := range *hm {
- d, err = repl.ReplaceOrErr(d, true, false)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("%s: route %d, matcher set %d, matcher %d, host matcher %d: %v",
- srvName, routeIdx, matcherSetIdx, matcherIdx, hostMatcherIdx, err)
- }
- if certmagic.HostQualifies(d) &&
- !srv.AutoHTTPS.Skipped(d, srv.AutoHTTPS.Skip) {
- domainSet[d] = struct{}{}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if len(domainSet) > 0 {
- // marshal the domains into a slice
- var domains, domainsForCerts []string
- for d := range domainSet {
- domains = append(domains, d)
- if !srv.AutoHTTPS.Skipped(d, srv.AutoHTTPS.SkipCerts) {
- // if a certificate for this name is already loaded,
- // don't obtain another one for it, unless we are
- // supposed to ignore loaded certificates
- if !srv.AutoHTTPS.IgnoreLoadedCerts &&
- len(tlsApp.AllMatchingCertificates(d)) > 0 {
- app.logger.Info("skipping automatic certificate management because one or more matching certificates are already loaded",
- zap.String("domain", d),
- zap.String("server_name", srvName),
- )
- continue
- }
- domainsForCerts = append(domainsForCerts, d)
- }
- }
- // ensure that these certificates are managed properly;
- // for example, it's implied that the HTTPPort should also
- // be the port the HTTP challenge is solved on, and so
- // for HTTPS port and TLS-ALPN challenge also - we need
- // to tell the TLS app to manage these certs by honoring
- // those port configurations
- acmeManager := &caddytls.ACMEManagerMaker{
- Challenges: &caddytls.ChallengesConfig{
- HTTP: &caddytls.HTTPChallengeConfig{
- AlternatePort: app.HTTPPort, // we specifically want the user-configured port, if any
- },
- TLSALPN: &caddytls.TLSALPNChallengeConfig{
- AlternatePort: app.HTTPSPort, // we specifically want the user-configured port, if any
- },
- },
- }
- if tlsApp.Automation == nil {
- tlsApp.Automation = new(caddytls.AutomationConfig)
- }
- tlsApp.Automation.Policies = append(tlsApp.Automation.Policies,
- caddytls.AutomationPolicy{
- Hosts: domainsForCerts,
- Management: acmeManager,
- })
- // manage their certificates
- app.logger.Info("enabling automatic TLS certificate management",
- zap.Strings("domains", domainsForCerts),
- )
- err := tlsApp.Manage(domainsForCerts)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("%s: managing certificate for %s: %s", srvName, domains, err)
- }
- // tell the server to use TLS if it is not already doing so
- if srv.TLSConnPolicies == nil {
- srv.TLSConnPolicies = caddytls.ConnectionPolicies{
- &caddytls.ConnectionPolicy{ALPN: defaultALPN},
- }
- }
- if srv.AutoHTTPS.DisableRedir {
- continue
- }
- app.logger.Info("enabling automatic HTTP->HTTPS redirects",
- zap.Strings("domains", domains),
- )
- // create HTTP->HTTPS redirects
- for _, addr := range srv.Listen {
- netw, host, port, err := caddy.SplitNetworkAddress(addr)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("%s: invalid listener address: %v", srvName, addr)
- }
- if parts := strings.SplitN(port, "-", 2); len(parts) == 2 {
- port = parts[0]
- }
- redirTo := "https://{}"
- if port != strconv.Itoa(app.httpsPort()) {
- redirTo += ":" + port
- }
- redirTo += "{http.request.uri}"
- // build the plaintext HTTP variant of this address
- httpRedirLnAddr := caddy.JoinNetworkAddress(netw, host, strconv.Itoa(app.httpPort()))
- // create the route that does the redirect and associate
- // it with the listener address it will be served from
- lnAddrRedirRoutes[httpRedirLnAddr] = Route{
- MatcherSets: []MatcherSet{{MatchProtocol("http")}},
- Handlers: []MiddlewareHandler{
- StaticResponse{
- StatusCode: WeakString(strconv.Itoa(http.StatusPermanentRedirect)),
- Headers: http.Header{
- "Location": []string{redirTo},
- "Connection": []string{"close"},
- },
- Close: true,
- },
- },
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // if there are HTTP->HTTPS redirects to add, do so now
- if len(lnAddrRedirRoutes) > 0 {
- var redirServerAddrs []string
- var redirRoutes RouteList
- // for each redirect listener, see if there's already a
- // server configured to listen on that exact address; if so,
- // simply add the redirect route to the end of its route
- // list; otherwise, we'll create a new server for all the
- // listener addresses that are unused and serve the
- // remaining redirects from it
- redirRoutesLoop:
- for addr, redirRoute := range lnAddrRedirRoutes {
- for srvName, srv := range app.Servers {
- if srv.hasListenerAddress(addr) {
- // user has configured a server for the same address
- // that the redirect runs from; simply append our
- // redirect route to the existing routes, with a
- // caveat that their config might override ours
- app.logger.Warn("server is listening on same interface as redirects, so automatic HTTP->HTTPS redirects might be overridden by your own configuration",
- zap.String("server_name", srvName),
- zap.String("interface", addr),
- )
- srv.Routes = append(srv.Routes, redirRoute)
- continue redirRoutesLoop
- }
- }
- // no server with this listener address exists;
- // save this address and route for custom server
- redirServerAddrs = append(redirServerAddrs, addr)
- redirRoutes = append(redirRoutes, redirRoute)
- }
- // if there are routes remaining which do not belong
- // in any existing server, make our own to serve the
- // rest of the redirects
- if len(redirServerAddrs) > 0 {
- app.Servers["remaining_auto_https_redirects"] = &Server{
- Listen: redirServerAddrs,
- Routes: redirRoutes,
- tlsApp: tlsApp, // required to solve HTTP challenge
- logger: app.logger.Named("log"),
- errorLogger: app.logger.Named("log.error"),
- primaryHandlerChain: redirRoutes.Compile(emptyHandler),
- }
- }
- }
- return nil
func (app *App) httpPort() int {
if app.HTTPPort == 0 {
return DefaultHTTPPort
@@ -709,7 +494,9 @@ func StatusCodeMatches(actual, configured int) bool {
if actual == configured {
return true
- if configured < 100 && actual >= configured*100 && actual < (configured+1)*100 {
+ if configured < 100 &&
+ actual >= configured*100 &&
+ actual < (configured+1)*100 {
return true
return false
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/fileserver/caddyfile.go b/modules/caddyhttp/fileserver/caddyfile.go
index d26b435..67ae4f4 100644
--- a/modules/caddyhttp/fileserver/caddyfile.go
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/fileserver/caddyfile.go
@@ -163,5 +163,10 @@ func parseTryFiles(h httpcaddyfile.Helper) ([]httpcaddyfile.ConfigValue, error)
result = append(result, makeRoute(try, "")...)
+ // ensure that multiple routes (possible if rewrite targets
+ // have query strings, for example) are grouped together
+ // so only the first matching rewrite is performed (#2891)
+ h.GroupRoutes(result)
return result, nil
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/matchers.go b/modules/caddyhttp/matchers.go
index f63e48e..49fe859 100644
--- a/modules/caddyhttp/matchers.go
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/matchers.go
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import (
type (
// MatchHost matches requests by the Host value (case-insensitive).
- // When used in an HTTP route,
+ // When used in a top-level HTTP route,
// [qualifying domain names](/docs/automatic-https#hostname-requirements)
// may trigger [automatic HTTPS](/docs/automatic-https), which automatically
// provisions and renews certificates for you. Before doing this, you
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ type (
// - In the middle, for a globular match (`/accounts/*/info`)
// This matcher is fast, so it does not support regular expressions or
- // capture groups. For slower but more capable matching, use the path_regexp
- // matcher.
+ // capture groups. For slower but more powerful matching, use the
+ // path_regexp matcher.
MatchPath []string
// MatchPathRE matches requests by a regular expression on the URI's path.
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/matchers_test.go b/modules/caddyhttp/matchers_test.go
index 8e06546..06f137e 100644
--- a/modules/caddyhttp/matchers_test.go
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/matchers_test.go
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ func TestPathMatcher(t *testing.T) {
match: MatchPath{"*.ext"},
- input: "/foo.ext",
+ input: "/foo/bar.ext",
expect: true,
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/circuitbreaker.go b/modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/circuitbreaker.go
index 474f1c6..00b38a8 100644
--- a/modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/circuitbreaker.go
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/circuitbreaker.go
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ func init() {
// for requests within this process over a sliding time window.
type localCircuitBreaker struct {
tripped int32
- cbType int32
+ cbFactor int32
threshold float64
metrics *memmetrics.RTMetrics
tripTime time.Duration
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ func (localCircuitBreaker) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo {
// Provision sets up a configured circuit breaker.
func (c *localCircuitBreaker) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
- t, ok := typeCB[c.Type]
+ f, ok := typeCB[c.Factor]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("type is not defined")
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ func (c *localCircuitBreaker) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot create new metrics: %v", err.Error())
- c.cbType = t
+ c.cbFactor = f
c.tripTime = tw
c.threshold = c.Threshold
c.metrics = mt
@@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ func (c *localCircuitBreaker) RecordMetric(statusCode int, latency time.Duration
func (c *localCircuitBreaker) checkAndSet() {
var isTripped bool
- switch c.cbType {
- case typeErrorRatio:
+ switch c.cbFactor {
+ case factorErrorRatio:
// check if amount of network errors exceed threshold over sliding window, threshold for comparison should be < 1.0 i.e. .5 = 50th percentile
if c.metrics.NetworkErrorRatio() > c.threshold {
isTripped = true
- case typeLatency:
+ case factorLatency:
// check if threshold in milliseconds is reached and trip
hist, err := c.metrics.LatencyHistogram()
if err != nil {
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ func (c *localCircuitBreaker) checkAndSet() {
if l.Nanoseconds()/int64(time.Millisecond) > int64(c.threshold) {
isTripped = true
- case typeStatusCodeRatio:
+ case factorStatusCodeRatio:
// check ratio of error status codes of sliding window, threshold for comparison should be < 1.0 i.e. .5 = 50th percentile
if c.metrics.ResponseCodeRatio(500, 600, 0, 600) > c.threshold {
isTripped = true
@@ -130,23 +130,28 @@ func (c *localCircuitBreaker) checkAndSet() {
// Config represents the configuration of a circuit breaker.
type Config struct {
+ // The threshold over sliding window that would trip the circuit breaker
Threshold float64 `json:"threshold"`
- Type string `json:"type"`
- TripTime string `json:"trip_time"`
+ // Possible values: latency, error_ratio, and status_ratio. It
+ // defaults to latency.
+ Factor string `json:"factor"`
+ // How long to wait after the circuit is tripped before allowing operations to resume.
+ // The default is 5s.
+ TripTime string `json:"trip_time"`
const (
- typeLatency = iota + 1
- typeErrorRatio
- typeStatusCodeRatio
+ factorLatency = iota + 1
+ factorErrorRatio
+ factorStatusCodeRatio
defaultTripTime = "5s"
var (
- // typeCB handles converting a Config Type value to the internal circuit breaker types.
+ // typeCB handles converting a Config Factor value to the internal circuit breaker types.
typeCB = map[string]int32{
- "latency": typeLatency,
- "error_ratio": typeErrorRatio,
- "status_ratio": typeStatusCodeRatio,
+ "latency": factorLatency,
+ "error_ratio": factorErrorRatio,
+ "status_ratio": factorStatusCodeRatio,
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/fastcgi/caddyfile.go b/modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/fastcgi/caddyfile.go
index dee6eb5..8c9fd38 100644
--- a/modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/fastcgi/caddyfile.go
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/fastcgi/caddyfile.go
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ func (t *Transport) UnmarshalCaddyfile(d *caddyfile.Dispenser) error {
// php_fastcgi localhost:7777
-// is equivalent to:
+// is equivalent to a route consisting of:
// @canonicalPath {
// file {
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ func (t *Transport) UnmarshalCaddyfile(d *caddyfile.Dispenser) error {
// }
// }
-// Thus, this directive produces multiple routes, each with a different
-// matcher because multiple consecutive routes are necessary to support
+// Thus, this directive produces multiple handlers, each with a different
+// matcher because multiple consecutive hgandlers are necessary to support
// the common PHP use case. If this "common" config is not compatible
// with a user's PHP requirements, they can use a manual approach based
// on the example above to configure it precisely as they need.
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ func (t *Transport) UnmarshalCaddyfile(d *caddyfile.Dispenser) error {
// php_fastcgi /subpath localhost:7777
-// then the resulting routes are wrapped in a subroute that uses the
+// then the resulting handlers are wrapped in a subroute that uses the
// user's matcher as a prerequisite to enter the subroute. In other
// words, the directive's matcher is necessary, but not sufficient.
func parsePHPFastCGI(h httpcaddyfile.Helper) ([]httpcaddyfile.ConfigValue, error) {
@@ -198,12 +198,13 @@ func parsePHPFastCGI(h httpcaddyfile.Helper) ([]httpcaddyfile.ConfigValue, error
HandlersRaw: []json.RawMessage{caddyconfig.JSONModuleObject(rpHandler, "handler", "reverse_proxy", nil)},
+ subroute := caddyhttp.Subroute{
+ Routes: caddyhttp.RouteList{redirRoute, rewriteRoute, rpRoute},
+ }
// the user's matcher is a prerequisite for ours, so
// wrap ours in a subroute and return that
if hasUserMatcher {
- subroute := caddyhttp.Subroute{
- Routes: caddyhttp.RouteList{redirRoute, rewriteRoute, rpRoute},
- }
return []httpcaddyfile.ConfigValue{
Class: "route",
@@ -215,20 +216,14 @@ func parsePHPFastCGI(h httpcaddyfile.Helper) ([]httpcaddyfile.ConfigValue, error
}, nil
- // if the user did not specify a matcher, then
- // we can just use our own matchers
+ // otherwise, return the literal subroute instead of
+ // individual routes, to ensure they stay together and
+ // are treated as a single unit, without necessarily
+ // creating an actual subroute in the output
return []httpcaddyfile.ConfigValue{
Class: "route",
- Value: redirRoute,
- },
- {
- Class: "route",
- Value: rewriteRoute,
- },
- {
- Class: "route",
- Value: rpRoute,
+ Value: subroute,
}, nil
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/selectionpolicies.go b/modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/selectionpolicies.go
index 937ae37..330dbdc 100644
--- a/modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/selectionpolicies.go
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/reverseproxy/selectionpolicies.go
@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ func (r RandomSelection) Select(pool UpstreamPool, request *http.Request) *Upstr
// two or more available hosts at random, then
// chooses the one with the least load.
type RandomChoiceSelection struct {
+ // The size of the sub-pool created from the larger upstream pool. The default value
+ // is 2 and the maximum at selection time is the size of the upstream pool.
Choose int `json:"choose,omitempty"`
@@ -283,6 +285,7 @@ func (URIHashSelection) Select(pool UpstreamPool, req *http.Request) *Upstream {
// HeaderHashSelection is a policy that selects
// a host based on a given request header.
type HeaderHashSelection struct {
+ // The HTTP header field whose value is to be hashed and used for upstream selection.
Field string `json:"field,omitempty"`
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/rewrite/rewrite.go b/modules/caddyhttp/rewrite/rewrite.go
index abcaa84..ad05486 100644
--- a/modules/caddyhttp/rewrite/rewrite.go
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/rewrite/rewrite.go
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ type Rewrite struct {
// You can also use placeholders. For example, to preserve the existing
// query string, you might use: "?{http.request.uri.query}&a=b". Any
// key-value pairs you add to the query string will not overwrite
- // existing values.
+ // existing values (individual pairs are append-only).
// To clear the query string, explicitly set an empty one: "?"
URI string `json:"uri,omitempty"`
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ func (rewr Rewrite) rewrite(r *http.Request, repl *caddy.Replacer, logger *zap.L
r.Method = strings.ToUpper(repl.ReplaceAll(rewr.Method, ""))
- // uri (path, query string, and fragment just because)
+ // uri (path, query string, and fragment... because why not)
if uri := rewr.URI; uri != "" {
// find the bounds of each part of the URI that exist
pathStart, qsStart, fragStart := -1, -1, -1
@@ -134,14 +134,30 @@ func (rewr Rewrite) rewrite(r *http.Request, repl *caddy.Replacer, logger *zap.L
qsEnd = len(uri)
+ // build components which are specified, and store them
+ // in a temporary variable so that they all read the
+ // same version of the URI
+ var newPath, newQuery, newFrag string
if pathStart >= 0 {
- r.URL.Path = repl.ReplaceAll(uri[pathStart:pathEnd], "")
+ newPath = repl.ReplaceAll(uri[pathStart:pathEnd], "")
if qsStart >= 0 {
- r.URL.RawQuery = buildQueryString(uri[qsStart:qsEnd], repl)
+ newQuery = buildQueryString(uri[qsStart:qsEnd], repl)
if fragStart >= 0 {
- r.URL.Fragment = repl.ReplaceAll(uri[fragStart:], "")
+ newFrag = repl.ReplaceAll(uri[fragStart:], "")
+ }
+ // update the URI with the new components
+ // only after building them
+ if pathStart >= 0 {
+ r.URL.Path = newPath
+ }
+ if qsStart >= 0 {
+ r.URL.RawQuery = newQuery
+ }
+ if fragStart >= 0 {
+ r.URL.Fragment = newFrag
@@ -206,7 +222,7 @@ func buildQueryString(qs string, repl *caddy.Replacer) string {
// if previous iteration wrote a value,
// that means we are writing a key
if wroteVal {
- if sb.Len() > 0 {
+ if sb.Len() > 0 && len(comp) > 0 {
} else {
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/rewrite/rewrite_test.go b/modules/caddyhttp/rewrite/rewrite_test.go
index 3dbc2d6..34a0cdb 100644
--- a/modules/caddyhttp/rewrite/rewrite_test.go
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/rewrite/rewrite_test.go
@@ -64,6 +64,16 @@ func TestRewrite(t *testing.T) {
expect: newRequest(t, "GET", "/foo/bar"),
+ rule: Rewrite{URI: "/index.php?p={http.request.uri.path}"},
+ input: newRequest(t, "GET", "/foo/bar"),
+ expect: newRequest(t, "GET", "/index.php?p=%2Ffoo%2Fbar"),
+ },
+ {
+ rule: Rewrite{URI: "?a=b&{http.request.uri.query}"},
+ input: newRequest(t, "GET", "/"),
+ expect: newRequest(t, "GET", "/?a=b"),
+ },
+ {
rule: Rewrite{URI: "/?c=d"},
input: newRequest(t, "GET", "/"),
expect: newRequest(t, "GET", "/?c=d"),
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/routes.go b/modules/caddyhttp/routes.go
index 431d1a5..1224e32 100644
--- a/modules/caddyhttp/routes.go
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/routes.go
@@ -113,23 +113,43 @@ func (r Route) Empty() bool {
// create a middleware chain.
type RouteList []Route
-// Provision sets up all the routes by loading the modules.
+// Provision sets up both the matchers and handlers in the route.
func (routes RouteList) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
+ err := routes.ProvisionMatchers(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return routes.ProvisionHandlers(ctx)
+// ProvisionMatchers sets up all the matchers by loading the
+// matcher modules. Only call this method directly if you need
+// to set up matchers and handlers separately without having
+// to provision a second time; otherwise use Provision instead.
+func (routes RouteList) ProvisionMatchers(ctx caddy.Context) error {
for i := range routes {
// matchers
matchersIface, err := ctx.LoadModule(&routes[i], "MatcherSetsRaw")
if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("loading matchers in route %d: %v", i, err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("route %d: loading matcher modules: %v", i, err)
err = routes[i].MatcherSets.FromInterface(matchersIface)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("route %d: %v", i, err)
+ }
+ return nil
- // handlers
+// ProvisionHandlers sets up all the handlers by loading the
+// handler modules. Only call this method directly if you need
+// to set up matchers and handlers separately without having
+// to provision a second time; otherwise use Provision instead.
+func (routes RouteList) ProvisionHandlers(ctx caddy.Context) error {
+ for i := range routes {
handlersIface, err := ctx.LoadModule(&routes[i], "HandlersRaw")
if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("loading handler modules in route %d: %v", i, err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("route %d: loading handler modules: %v", i, err)
for _, handler := range handlersIface.([]interface{}) {
routes[i].Handlers = append(routes[i].Handlers, handler.(MiddlewareHandler))
@@ -140,7 +160,6 @@ func (routes RouteList) Provision(ctx caddy.Context) error {
routes[i].middleware = append(routes[i].middleware, wrapMiddleware(midhandler))
return nil
@@ -233,7 +252,6 @@ func wrapMiddleware(mh MiddlewareHandler) Middleware {
return HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
// TODO: This is where request tracing could be implemented
- // TODO: Trace a diff of the request, would be cool too... see what changed since the last middleware (host, headers, URI...)
// TODO: see what the std lib gives us in terms of stack tracing too
return mh.ServeHTTP(w, r, nextCopy)
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/server.go b/modules/caddyhttp/server.go
index ce61b13..1c896a4 100644
--- a/modules/caddyhttp/server.go
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/server.go
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ func (s *Server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log("handled request",
- zap.String("common_log", repl.ReplaceAll(CommonLogFormat, "-")),
+ zap.String("common_log", repl.ReplaceAll(commonLogFormat, "-")),
zap.Duration("latency", latency),
zap.Int("size", wrec.Size()),
zap.Int("status", wrec.Status()),
@@ -317,49 +317,6 @@ func (s *Server) hasTLSClientAuth() bool {
return false
-// AutoHTTPSConfig is used to disable automatic HTTPS
-// or certain aspects of it for a specific server.
-// HTTPS is enabled automatically and by default when
-// qualifying hostnames are available from the config.
-type AutoHTTPSConfig struct {
- // If true, automatic HTTPS will be entirely disabled.
- Disabled bool `json:"disable,omitempty"`
- // If true, only automatic HTTP->HTTPS redirects will
- // be disabled.
- DisableRedir bool `json:"disable_redirects,omitempty"`
- // Hosts/domain names listed here will not be included
- // in automatic HTTPS (they will not have certificates
- // loaded nor redirects applied).
- Skip []string `json:"skip,omitempty"`
- // Hosts/domain names listed here will still be enabled
- // for automatic HTTPS (unless in the Skip list), except
- // that certificates will not be provisioned and managed
- // for these names.
- SkipCerts []string `json:"skip_certificates,omitempty"`
- // By default, automatic HTTPS will obtain and renew
- // certificates for qualifying hostnames. However, if
- // a certificate with a matching SAN is already loaded
- // into the cache, certificate management will not be
- // enabled. To force automated certificate management
- // regardless of loaded certificates, set this to true.
- IgnoreLoadedCerts bool `json:"ignore_loaded_certificates,omitempty"`
-// Skipped returns true if name is in skipSlice, which
-// should be one of the Skip* fields on ahc.
-func (ahc AutoHTTPSConfig) Skipped(name string, skipSlice []string) bool {
- for _, n := range skipSlice {
- if name == n {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
// HTTPErrorConfig determines how to handle errors
// from the HTTP handlers.
type HTTPErrorConfig struct {
@@ -466,11 +423,11 @@ func cloneURL(from, to *url.URL) {
const (
- // CommonLogFormat is the common log format.
- CommonLogFormat = `{} ` + CommonLogEmptyValue + ` {} [{}] "{http.request.orig_method} {http.request.orig_uri} {http.request.proto}" {http.response.status} {http.response.size}`
+ // commonLogFormat is the common log format.
+ commonLogFormat = `{} ` + commonLogEmptyValue + ` {} [{}] "{http.request.orig_method} {http.request.orig_uri} {http.request.proto}" {http.response.status} {http.response.size}`
- // CommonLogEmptyValue is the common empty log value.
- CommonLogEmptyValue = "-"
+ // commonLogEmptyValue is the common empty log value.
+ commonLogEmptyValue = "-"
// Context keys for HTTP request context values.
diff --git a/modules/caddyhttp/staticresp.go b/modules/caddyhttp/staticresp.go
index 0ca2f43..777ecb2 100644
--- a/modules/caddyhttp/staticresp.go
+++ b/modules/caddyhttp/staticresp.go
@@ -54,24 +54,39 @@ func (StaticResponse) CaddyModule() caddy.ModuleInfo {
// UnmarshalCaddyfile sets up the handler from Caddyfile tokens. Syntax:
-// respond [<matcher>] <status> {
+// respond [<matcher>] [<status>|[<body> [<status>]] {
// body <text>
// close
// }
+// If there is just one argument (other than the matcher), it is considered
+// to be a status code if it's a valid positive integer of 3 digits.
func (s *StaticResponse) UnmarshalCaddyfile(d *caddyfile.Dispenser) error {
for d.Next() {
- var statusCodeStr string
- if d.Args(&statusCodeStr) {
- s.StatusCode = WeakString(statusCodeStr)
+ args := d.RemainingArgs()
+ switch len(args) {
+ case 1:
+ if len(args[0]) == 3 {
+ if num, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0]); err == nil && num > 0 {
+ s.StatusCode = WeakString(args[0])
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ s.Body = args[0]
+ case 2:
+ s.Body = args[0]
+ s.StatusCode = WeakString(args[1])
+ default:
+ return d.ArgErr()
for d.NextBlock(0) {
switch d.Val() {
case "body":
if s.Body != "" {
return d.Err("body already specified")
- if !d.Args(&s.Body) {
+ if !d.AllArgs(&s.Body) {
return d.ArgErr()
case "close":