use std::io::{BufReader, BufRead}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::net::TcpStream; use std::io::{stdout, Read, Write}; use termion::raw::IntoRawMode; use termion::async_stdin; extern crate serde_json; extern crate termion; use ship::Ship; use math::distance; use mass::{Mass, MassType}; use connection::Connection; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)] struct ServerData { has_astroid_target : bool, is_within_range : bool, mining_range : f64, mining_status : bool, } pub fn client_mining(mut stream : TcpStream, mut buff_r : BufReader) { let stdout = stdout(); let mut stdout = stdout.lock().into_raw_mode().unwrap(); let mut stdin = async_stdin().bytes(); loop { let mut recv = String::new(); buff_r.read_line(&mut recv).unwrap(); let data : ServerData = serde_json::from_str(&recv.replace("\n", "")).unwrap(); write!(stdout, "{}", termion::clear::All).unwrap(); match data.has_astroid_target { true => match data.is_within_range { true => write!(stdout, "{}Press F to begin mining.", termion::cursor::Goto(1,1)).unwrap(), false => write!(stdout, "{}Astroid must be within range of {}.", termion::cursor::Goto(1,1), data.mining_range).unwrap(), }, false => write!(stdout, "{}Ship has no astroid targeted.", termion::cursor::Goto(1,1)).unwrap(), } match { Some(c) => { let c = c.unwrap(); let mut send = String::new(); send.push(c as char); if send.as_bytes() == b"q" { break; } send.push_str("\n"); stream.write(send.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } None => () } stdout.flush().unwrap(); } } impl Connection { pub fn server_mining(&mut self, masses : &mut HashMap>) -> bool { let masses_clone = masses.clone(); let mass = masses.get_mut(&; let ship = mass.downcast_mut::().unwrap(); let target = match ship.recv_target() { Some(name) => masses_clone.get(&name), None => None, }; let has_astroid_target = match target { Some(target) => match target.recv_mass_type() { MassType::Ship => false, MassType::Astroid => true, }, None => false, }; let is_within_range = match has_astroid_target { true => match target { Some(target) => match ship.recv_mining_range() > distance(ship.position(), target.position()) { true => true, false => false, }, None => false, } false => false, }; let send = serde_json::to_string(&ServerData { has_astroid_target : has_astroid_target, is_within_range : is_within_range, mining_range : ship.recv_mining_range(), mining_status : ship.recv_mining_status(), }).unwrap() + "\n"; match { Ok(_result) => (), Err(_error) => return false, } let mut recv = String::new(); match self.buff_r.read_line(&mut recv) { Ok(result) => match recv.as_bytes() { b"F\n" => { if is_within_range { match ship.recv_mining_status() { true => ship.stop_mining(), false => ship.start_mining(), } } }, _ => { if result == 0 { return false } }, } Err(_error) => (), } true } }