# Used as inspiration: https://github.com/mvdan/github-actions-golang name: Cross-Platform on: push: branches: - master pull_request: branches: - master jobs: test: strategy: # Default is true, cancels jobs for other platforms in the matrix if one fails fail-fast: false matrix: os: [ ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest ] go-version: [ 1.14.x ] # Set some variables per OS, usable via ${{ matrix.VAR }} # CADDY_BIN_PATH: the path to the compiled Caddy binary, for artifact publishing # SUCCESS: the typical value for $? per OS (Windows/pwsh returns 'True') include: - os: ubuntu-latest CADDY_BIN_PATH: ./cmd/caddy/caddy SUCCESS: 0 - os: macos-latest CADDY_BIN_PATH: ./cmd/caddy/caddy SUCCESS: 0 - os: windows-latest CADDY_BIN_PATH: ./cmd/caddy/caddy.exe SUCCESS: 'True' runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} steps: - name: Install Go uses: actions/setup-go@v1 with: go-version: ${{ matrix.go-version }} - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v2 # These tools would be useful if we later decide to reinvestigate # publishing test/coverage reports to some tool for easier consumption # - name: Install test and coverage analysis tools # run: | # go get github.com/axw/gocov/gocov # go get github.com/AlekSi/gocov-xml # go get -u github.com/jstemmer/go-junit-report # echo "::add-path::$(go env GOPATH)/bin" - name: Print Go version and environment id: vars run: | printf "Using go at: $(which go)\n" printf "Go version: $(go version)\n" printf "\n\nGo environment:\n\n" go env printf "\n\nSystem environment:\n\n" env # Calculate the short SHA1 hash of the git commit echo "::set-output name=short_sha::$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" - name: Get dependencies run: | go get -v -t -d ./... # mkdir test-results - name: Build Caddy working-directory: ./cmd/caddy env: CGO_ENABLED: 0 run: | go build -trimpath -a -ldflags="-w -s" -v - name: Publish Build Artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1 with: name: caddy_v2_${{ runner.os }}_${{ steps.vars.outputs.short_sha }} path: ${{ matrix.CADDY_BIN_PATH }} # Commented bits below were useful to allow the job to continue # even if the tests fail, so we can publish the report separately # For info about set-output, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57850553/github-actions-check-steps-status - name: Run tests # id: step_test # continue-on-error: true run: | # (go test -v -coverprofile=cover-profile.out -race ./... 2>&1) > test-results/test-result.out go test -v -coverprofile="cover-profile.out" -race ./... # echo "::set-output name=status::$?" # Relevant step if we reinvestigate publishing test/coverage reports # - name: Prepare coverage reports # run: | # mkdir coverage # gocov convert cover-profile.out > coverage/coverage.json # # Because Windows doesn't work with input redirection like *nix, but output redirection works. # (cat ./coverage/coverage.json | gocov-xml) > coverage/coverage.xml # To return the correct result even though we set 'continue-on-error: true' # - name: Coerce correct build result # if: matrix.os != 'windows-latest' && steps.step_test.outputs.status != ${{ matrix.SUCCESS }} # run: | # echo "step_test ${{ steps.step_test.outputs.status }}\n" # exit 1 # From https://github.com/reviewdog/action-golangci-lint golangci-lint: name: runner / golangci-lint runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout code into the Go module directory uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Run golangci-lint uses: reviewdog/action-golangci-lint@v1 # uses: docker://reviewdog/action-golangci-lint:v1 # pre-build docker image with: github_token: ${{ secrets.github_token }}